084822 32101


Metric No.Metric
Extended Profile
1.1Number of Students Year-wise during the last five years
1.2Number of outgoing /final year students year-wise during the last five years
2.1Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
2.2Number of sanctioned posts year-wise during the last five years
3.1Total Expenditure Excluding salary year-wise during the last five years ( INR in Lakhs)
1.1.2QnMPercentage of fulltime teachers participating in BoS /Academic Council of Universities during the last five years. (Restrict data to BoS /Academic Council only)
Percentage of inter-disciplinary / inter-departmental courses /training across all the Programmes offered by the College during the last five years
1.2.2QnMAverage percentage of students enrolled in subject-related Certificate/ Diploma / Add-on courses as against the total number of students during the last five years
1.3.2QnMNumber of value-added courses offered during the last five years that impart transferable and life skills
1.3.3QnMAverage percentage of students enrolled in the value-added courses during the last five years
1.3.4QnMPercentage of students undertaking Field visits/Clinical / Industry internships/Research projects/industry visits/community postings (data for the preceding academic year)
1.4.1QnMMechanism is in place to obtain structured feedback on curricula/syllabi from various stakeholders
1.4.2QnMFeedback on curricula and syllabi obtained from stakeholders is processed in terms of:
Due consideration is given to equity and inclusiveness by providing reservation of seats to all categories during the admission process. Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories as per applicable reservation policy during the last five years
Agreement With Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation
2.1.2QnMAverage percentage of seats filled in for the various programmes as against the approved intake
University Approval for the year 2017-18
The Institution assesses the learning levels of the students, after admission and organises special Programmes for advanced learners and slow performers
2.4.1QnMAverage percentage of fulltime teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years
2.4.3QnMAverage Teaching experience of fulltime teachers in number of years (data for the preceding academic year)
2.4.4QnMAverage percentage of teachers trained for development and delivery of e-content / e-courses during the last 5 years
2.4.5QnMAverage Percentage of fulltime teachers who received awards and recognitions for excellence in teaching, student mentoring, scholarships, professional achievements and academic leadership at State, National, International levels from Government / Government-recognized agencies / registered professional associations / academies during the last five years
The Institution provides opportunities to students for midcourse improvement of performance through specific interventions
3.1.2QnMAverage Percentage of teachers awarded national /international fellowships / financial support for advanced studies/collaborative research and participation in conferences during the last five years
Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Research methodology, Good Clinical, Laboratory, Pharmacy and Collection practices, writing for Research Grants and Industry-Academia Collaborations during the last five years
3.3.1QnMThe Institution ensures implementation of its stated Code of Ethics for research.
3.4.1QnMTotal number of extension and outreach activities carried out in collaboration with National and International agencies, Industry, the community, Government and Non-Government organized bodies through NSS/NCC during the last five years.
3.4.2QnMAverage percentage of students participating in extension and outreach activities during the last 5 years
Average number of Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange/ Industry-internship etc. per year for the last five years
3.5.2QnMTotal number of Functional MoUs with Institutions/ Industries in India and abroad for academic, clinical training / internship, on-the job training, project work, student / faculty exchange, collaborative research programmes etc. year-wise during the last five years
4.1.4QnMAverage percentage of expenditure incurred, excluding salary, for infrastructure development and augmentation during the last five years
4.2.2QnMAverage number of patients per year treated as outpatients and inpatients in the teaching hospital for the last five years
Average number of students per year exposed to learning resource such as Laboratories, Animal House & Herbal Garden (in house OR hired) during the last five years
4.3.3QnMDoes the Institution have an e-Library with membership / registration for the following:
4.3.6QnME-content resources used by teachers:
4.4.1QnMPercentage of classrooms, seminar halls and demonstration rooms linked with internet /Wi-Fi-enabled ICT facilities (data for the preceding academic year)
4.5.1QnMAverage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component as a percentage during the last five years
5.1.1QnMAverage percentage of students benefited by scholarships /freeships / fee-waivers by Government / Non-Governmental agencies / Institution during the last five years
Scholarship Policy Document
5.1.2QnMCapability enhancement and development schemes employed by the Institution for students:
5.1.5QnMThe Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances / prevention of sexual harassment / prevention of ragging
5.2.1QnMAverage percentage of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg: GATE/GMAT/GPAT /CAT/ NEET/ GRE/ TOEFL/PLAB/USMLE/AYUSH/CivilServices/Defence/UPSC/State Government examinations/ AIIMSPGET, JIPMER Entrance Test, PGIMER Entrance Test etc.,) during the last five years
5.2.2QnMAverage percentage of placement / self-employment (in relevant field) in professional services of outgoing students during the last five years
5.2.3QnMPercentage of the batch of graduated students of the preceding year, who have progressed to higher education
5.3.1QnMNumber of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at State/Regional (zonal)/ National / International levels (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years.
Average number of sports and cultural activities/competitions organised by the Institution during the last five years
5.4.2QnMProvide the areas of contribution by the Alumni Association / chapters during the last five years
6.2.2QnMImplementation of e-governance in areas of operation
6.3.4QnMAverage percentage of teachers undergoing Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) including online programmes during the last five years (Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course etc.)
6.5.2QnMAverage percentage of teachers attending programs/workshops/seminars specific to quality improvement in the last 5 years
7.1.3QnMThe Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation devices.
7.1.5QnMWater conservation facilities available in the Institution:
7.1.6QnMGreen campus initiatives of the Institution include:
7.1.7QnMThe Institution has Divyangjan friendly, barrier-free environment in the campus
7.1.9QnMCode of conduct handbook exists for students, teachers and academic and administrative staff including the Dean / Principal /Officials and support staff.
NEET percentile scores of students enrolled for the BDS programme for the preceding academic year.
8.1.3QnMInstitution follows infection control protocols during clinical teaching during preceding academic year
8.1.5QnMThe students are trained for using High End Equipment for Diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the Institution.
Average per capita expenditure on Dental materials and other consumables used for student training during the last five years.