084822 32101


Department Of Oral Medicine And Radiology

What We Do In This Department?

This is the first department visited by the patients for their main concern and routed to required department for the further management.In this department detailed history with examination of the patient is done and various screening procedures and chairside investigations are carried out to rule out premalignant and malignant lesions and also habbit couselling for patients who are smokers, gutka chewers and preventive oral health care for patients requiring treatment for oral cancer is done here.
In oral radiology department diagnostic radiographs are taken which includes intraoral and extraoral radiographs.

Teaching Methods

  1. Didactic Lectures: Theory Classes
  2. Clinical discussions 
  3. Chairside discussions and demonstrations
  4. Radiographic interpretation and discussion


  1.  Clinical and radiological examination of the patients
  2.  Habit couselling of the patients 
  3.  Biopsy 
  4. Tooth vitality test
  5. Medical management of tobacco induced oral lesions, orofacial  pain, salivary gland disorders,tempromandibular joint disorders,immune – mediated oral mucosal lesions and other oral mucosal pathologies.


Dr. K. Jitender Reddy MDS

Professor & HOD

Dr. Shoba Bijjaragi, MDS


Dr. Pooja G, MDS

Sr. Lecturer

Dr. Ambika, MDS

Sr. Lecturer

Dr. Bhanu Prakash S

Sr. Lecturer