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About The Subject

The Department of pedodontics and preventive dentistry provides oral health care for infants and children up to the age of 14years. It also incorporates the management of children who are physically and mentally challenged. The department renders parent and the patient counseling, preventive dentistry for each child patient. School dental health programmes are being conducted along with public health dentistry department in and around Bidar region.

The department has experienced faculties who deal with various fields such as early childhood caries, dental trauma management, minimal invasive dentistry, lesion sterilization tissue repair, managing cleft lip & palate, management of children under general anesthesia etc.

Pediatric dentistry subject is offered in third year and final year in the undergraduate program. We aim to provide clinically efficient graduates, capable of diagnosing and treating all type of pediatric dental problems encountered in clinical practice. 

Teaching Methods

Lectures are conducted using power point presentations; Clinical chair side discussions and training will be conducted, so that students will be well versed in providing treatment to child patient. Other teaching methods include Demonstrations, Group discussions, Chapter wise discussions and seminars.

Undergraduate students perform their preclinical exercises, after which they can go ahead with clinical work. Demonstrations for each clinical procedure are given during posting. All students while operating on the child patient are monitored during their clinical postings under experienced faculties.

Treatment Rendered in our Department

    1. 1
Preventive proceduresOral prophylaxis


Fluoride application

Pit & fissure sealant application etc

Endodontic proceduresIndirect pulp capping


Direct pulp capping



Root canal treatment



Lesion sterilization and tissue repair

Regenerative endodontics

Post & core 

Bleaching of teeth

Treatment of failed RCT etc

Restoration proceduresTooth coloured restorations- GIC & composite


Amalgam restorations

Strip crowns

Stainless steel crowns

Metal crowns

PFM crowns 

Ceramic crowns etc

Orthodontic procedurePreventive & interceptive procedures like


Space maintainers

Space regainers

Cross bite correction etc

Other proceduresManagement of trauma cases


Obturators for cleft palate etc


Dr. Prasannakumari, MDS


Dr. Tulluru Ajay Mohan, MDS


Dr. Manasi Kulkarni, MDS

Sr. Lecturer

Dr. Zunnurain, BDS


Dr. Azra Sarvar, BDS
