084822 32101

Vision & Mission


Excellence in dental service to mankind.

Single window delivery of total oral healthcare needs

Total quality management in service and education

Unique work culture in alleviating human oral sufferings

To train general, specialized and allied professional personnel to meet regional and national oral health care knowledge and skills

Work relentlessly to contribute to global oral healthcare knowledge and skills

Be efficient, effective, community acceptable and excel in service, education and research

To impart knowledge and interact with organizations of similar interest

Fostering global competencies, inculcating value system among learners

Promote use of technology of relevance

To induce paradigm shift in community that many oral diseases are preventable, curable and treatment is affordable

Reach the unreachable with awareness; education and service

Serve the underserved.


Develop a premiere dental institute producing well trained graduates and postgraduates, who can provide skilled services to meet the dental needs of the society.

Learner centred dental education

Patient centred service

Community oriented research

Strong community relationship

Serve the under served

Meet the regional, national and global dental educational needs

Inter organizational linkage

Strategic future oriented planning to gain excellence in knowledge, skills, service and professionalism in management.

Open and transparent organizational climate

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